Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed
Isaac Watts was born into a non-conformist family in Southhampton, Hampshire, England. His father, a protestant preacher, read scripture and prayed for and with Isaac throughout his childhood. The oldest of nine children, he began his personal walk with Christ at the age of 15. By the time he was 16, he learned Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and French. In the early days of the Protestant Reformation, it was considered a sin to sing anything that didn't directly come from scripture. The Psalms, via the metric Psalter, and some New Testament canticles were considered to be the only acceptable form of music in the worship service. For the first 150 years of Protestantism, they didn't even sing about Christ's death and resurrection. Watts, in his early 20s, grew frustrated with church music and his dad wisely challenged him to do something about it. He did. Isaac Watts is considered the Godfather of English Hymnody, having written more than 700 hymns. The statement and question st...