Is He Worthy

As I think about the New Year, I take my overflowing joy and consider all that’s wrong with the world. Yes, there’s a hint of facetiousness in that statement. It’s a natural thing for me, being the glass-half-empty sort. This morning, as I woke, the thought, “Could this be THE year?” came to mind. Could 2024 be THE year? You know, THE year! Not just any year, but THE year. What if Jesus returns someday in 2024? I guarantee you, one side of the “isle” would charge that the election was “stolen”…

Certainly, we all long for that glorious day. But if THIS is THE year, what does that do to our resolutions? If 2024 is THE year, how does that change our approach to what’s going on in our country and around the world? If we look through the lens of “He is coming”, how does that change what we see?

In the first line of the first verse of “Is He Worthy”, Singer/Songwriter/Author Andrew Peterson hits us with a rhetorical question. “Do you feel the world is broken?” The answer is simple, “We do.” The broken world is ever before us but our understanding of it varies across a myriad of experiences. We all approach life from a different social, racial, economic, or spiritual starting point.

Peterson wrote this song in 2018 and it has quickly become a radio hit, a concert hit, a church choir hit, a church praise team hit, etc. But you may not know that upon the release of the song’s music video, the “hit” was negative. You can read about all that here. In summary, the unintentional situation of having an all-white cast set off a firestorm of negativity for Peterson and this song. While more and more churches and denominations work to become more diverse, this issue remains one of the clearest pictures of the broken world we live in.

Verse 1:

Do you feel the world is broken?
(We do)
Do you feel the shadows deepen?
(We do)
But do you know that all the dark won’t
Stop the light from getting through?
(We do)
Do you wish that you could see it all made new?
We do)

Jesus is the light that pierces the darkness. Peterson is pointing us to John 1:5 and saying, remember this! Remember that in all the brokenness and disparity, there’s a light that shines in the darkness!

Verse 2:

Is all creation groaning?
(It is)
Is a new creation coming?
(It is)
Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst?
(It is)
Is it good that we remind ourselves of this?
(It is)

As the Allies began to gain the upper hand during WWII, Winston Churchill said, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” As we watch world events unfold abroad and at home, we Christians know that these are the pains of childbirth that Paul was talking about in Romans 8:22. It is what Jesus himself predicted in John 16:33. We should not be surprised, or afraid. It was foretold, and we know the new creation is coming.

Revelation 21:22-23, “And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light and its lamp is the Lamb.”

For those of us lucky enough to have grown up in church, it is easy to forget this. That God is not only the creator of life, he is also the sustain-er of it as well. Especially for us “pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps” Americans! Regardless of what may befall us on any given day at any given moment, God will still be in control long after this moment has passed. We must remind ourselves of this sometimes minute by minute!

Chorus 1:

Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He was David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave?

Post Chorus:

Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory
Is He worthy of this?
He is

Andrew Peterson describes the chorus in this way:

The chorus of “Is He Worthy?” is taken from that staggering moment in Revelation 5 when the prophet asks, “Is anyone worthy to break the seal and open the scroll?” He looks around, along with all the hosts of heaven, and when no one is found who is worthy to do so, he weeps bitterly.

But then one of the elders says, “Do not weep! Behold, the Lion of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able.” And then the Lamb, looking as if it has been slain, appears at the center of the throne, takes the scroll, and breaks the seal, and at once all the heavenly hosts sing his praises: “He is worthy!”

Verse 3:

Does the Father truly love us?
(He does)
Does the Spirit move among us?
(He does)
And does Jesus, our Messiah hold forever those He loves?
(He does)
Does our God intend to dwell again with us?
(He does)

The third verse is a faith affirming time of question and answer. We’ve laid the foundation of need and understanding in the first two verses. Now, we’re stepping in from the external. It is always time to affirm our faith in our hearts.

Chorus 1:

Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave?

Chorus 2:

From every people and tribe
Every nation and tongue
He has made us a kingdom and priests to God
To reign with the Son

Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory?

The racial tension mentioned earlier is an ever-present reminder of the broken world we live in. The children of God come from “every people and tribe, every nation and tongue”. Depending on where we come from and where we are currently, racial tensions have different meanings. It’s not just a black and white issue and it’s an issue almost as old as sin. Actions toward relieving these tensions begin with acknowledging that we are Christians before we’re Democrats or Republicans, regardless of our skin color or facial features and regardless of where or how we were raised.

HE IS WORTHY of our desire and actions to be peacemakers. HE IS WORTHY of our steps outside of our comfort zone toward people who don’t look, or talk like us. HE IS WORTHY of our every attempt to make Him known to and among the nations. HE IS WORTHY of our entire being of worship. HE IS WORTHY of our preparation for worship. HE IS WORTHY!

HE IS the only one who can break the seal and open the scroll!

Post Chorus:

Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Is He worthy of this?

He is!
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
He is!
He is!

When He came into this world, there was much celebration and excitement! Even though He came in to the humblest and lowly of beginnings. Shepherds couldn’t contain what they’d seen and heard. Luke 2:18 says, “All who heard it wondered at what the shepherds had told them”. “All who heard”. They couldn’t contain their joy and excitement.

As we embark on a new year, with all its excitements and fears, may our “He Is Worthy!” joy become the wonder of all we come into contact with! May our plans and desires for the new year, whatever they may be, bring “blessing and honor and glory” to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

He Is Worthy of it all!


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