Here Is Love
This hymn is known as "The Love Song of the Welsh Revival." It was the central hymn throughout the 12 months of the 1904 revival across Wales. "It was a movement that went uniquely beyond key individuals in one place" (Kristyn Getty). It comprised many people, gathering in little churches all over Wales. There were no advertisements or promotions to draw attention to it. The testimonies of those who witnessed it described it as little fires popping up throughout the landscape with no organization, common spark, or traceable connection. "It was a revival of prayer and song, of repentance, and of confidence in God's Word" (Kristyn Getty). Here Is Love was written, initially in only two verses, by a Welsh independent preacher named William Rees toward the end of his life. Rees was well-known and recognized by his contemporaries for his gift of preaching. But it wasn't until roughly 30 years after his death that his hymn would have an impact still felt...