
Showing posts from November, 2023

Sing We The Song of Emmanuel

The season of Advent is one of my favorites in the Liturgical calendar. It’s Christmas time! This wonderful season of joyous spirits, warm sweaters, twinkle lights, warm fires, and exciting libations brings out different feelings and emotions for all of us. Some like to get a head start on the season, others enjoy a slower pace. But let’s define our common love for the Christmas season with one absolute understanding that should not be questioned or changed. Christmas decorations, music, movies, etc. are not to begin until AFTER THANKSGIVING! You see, not only is the Liturgical calendar correct in defining the timing of the seasonal changes, but it is also merely following God’s design. Through the beauty of creation, we see clearly that the Tannenbaum cannot be cut down too early lest it lose its needles before Christmas day. Thus, the objective reality that Christmas begins after Thanksgiving is one of scientific law, and not open to interpretation. Those of us with higher intellect ...