Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Another one of the great hymns of our day and days past! Great Is Thy Faithfulness was first published in 1923. The poem was written by Thomas Chisholm and later the words were set to music written by William Runyan. I’ll get to this song’s path to popularity a little later on, but before that we need to understand more about the poem that is the basis for the song and it’s meaning to the writer. Chisholm was born and raised in Franklin Kentucky. He became a schoolteacher at the age of 16 and taught at the one-room school he was brought up in. In his 20s he became an editor for the local newspaper and later became a Christian at age 27. Ten years later he became an ordained Methodist pastor, but was only able to serve one year due to poor health. He later found his way to New Jersey with his family and spent the rest of his life there. Because of Chisholm’s health issue, he was not able to earn much of a financial living despite his obvious talents and strong work ethic. About this par...